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GA Online Regional Championship

szept. 21., Szo


Win yourself a wild card!

Registration is closed
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GA Online Regional Championship
GA Online Regional Championship

Time & Location

2024. szept. 21. 10:00 – 21:00


About the event

Join the first EU Online regional championship! 

Entry Fee:

European residents -> 40€

International players -> 50€

*Shipping fee is included in the entry fee


1 Entry kit given to each participant: 

3x MRC Boosters 

1x Sapphire Pack 

1x Silver Pack

1st place: 

1x Entry Kit 

1x Winner Mat 

1x Finalist Mat 

1x Wild Invite Card 

12x Sapphire Packs 

12x Gold Packs 

12x Silver Packs 

2nd place: 

1x Entry Kit 

1x Finalist Mat 

1x Wild Invite Card 

6x Sapphire Packs 

6x Gold Packs 

6x Silver Packs 

3rd & 4th: 

1x Entry Kit 

1x Finalist Mat 

1x Wild Invite Card 

3x Sapphire Packs 

3x Gold Packs 

3x Silver Packs 

5th - 8th: 

1x Entry Kit 

1x Finalist mat 

1x Wild Invite Card 

2x Sapphire Packs

2x Gold Packs 

2x Silver Packs

How to join:

*Join the EU/UK Discord server

*RSVP on the Omnidex 

*Send Aria the following on Discord:

  1. Your Ticket
  2. Your exact shipping details 

*Change your server name to your Omnidex name and number, and please add your country to your name.

*Decklists must be submitted 30 minutes before the event begins 

*Any player who has not done the above by 09:30 CEST will not be added to the event.

Tournament information:

*Your pairings will be available on the Omnidex

*Each round will consist of 60 minutes+ 5 minutes of extra time

*Once the round timer is over, you will have 3 minutes to report your match in #match-reports

* Please use this format for reports = @winner Wins x - x @loser

*The winner MUST report the match, should you fail to do this before the deadline, the result will be reported as a 1-1 draw.

*Additionally there will be a 5-minute grace period between when pairings are up until the timer begins.

*Tag @judge + Table number under #judge-calls if you have a rules question or any concerns, you will receive extra time should the judge call take longer than 2 minutes.

If you have any further questions, please message Aria via Discord! 


  • European resident (UK too)

    This ticket is only for players who live within the EU at the time of the event. UK players can purchase this ticket. Shipping to a proxy address is not allowed.

    40,00 EUR
    Tax: VAT included+1,00 EUR service fee
    Sale ended
  • International Player

    This ticket is for players who do not reside within the EU.

    50,00 EUR
    Tax: VAT included+1,25 EUR service fee
    Sale ended


0,00 EUR

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